Fruitygum is not big fan of artificial banana flavor, so it is with some trepidation that this blog is begun with a banana-based gum.
The intitial flavor note is a pleasant sweet, not cloying flavor with only mild notes of banana and almost none of strawberry. In fact, the taste is so mild that the waxiness of the gum base is present in the chew.
After chewing for a while, a small amount of menthol flavor seems to come through, but not enough to make this a "bananamint" gum. The artificial banana lasts longer than the other flavors which, all things considered, is a good thing.
After chewing for a while, a small amount of menthol flavor seems to come through, but not enough to make this a "bananamint" gum. The artificial banana lasts longer than the other flavors which, all things considered, is a good thing.
Bubble blowing potential is moderate.
In sum, not a strong showing from Wrigley Company Pty Ld.
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